Chronic Disease Management: Strategies for Living Well With Long-Term Conditions

Suffering from a chronic condition? Dr. Calixto Ruibal, Dr. Silvia Boccardo, and Dr. Julio Scaglia at Lawndale Medical Clinic of East End, Houston & Pasadena, TX are primary care providers dedicated to helping you live well.

Living Well With Chronic Conditions

Being ill or in pain is bad enough when you know it’s temporary. Living with a chronic condition is a completely different experience. Though chronic conditions can be challenging and overwhelming, you can still live a fulfilling life. Dr. Ruibal, Dr. Boccardo, and Dr. Scaglia at Lawndale Medical Clinic – your primary care providers of East End, Houston & Pasadena, TX – share a few strategies for living well despite your condition.

Learn As Much As You Can

Once diagnosed with any health issue, one of the wisest steps you can take is to educate yourself on it. Research can help you learn what’s going on with your body, why it’s happening, and what you can do to improve it. It can also help you advocate for yourself to ensure you get the care you need.

Visit Your Doctor Regularly

Working with your doctor is vital. They can help monitor your condition, adjust any medication, recommend new or additional treatment methods, and guide you as you navigate your condition.

Take Medications As Necessary

If your condition requires medication, take it as directed. Set alarms and reminders, if necessary. If there are any side effects, speak with your doctor about changing your medication, as opposed to skipping doses.

Eat Well

Proper nutrition empowers the body to fight illness and various symptoms. Start with small changes, such as increasing fruit, vegetable, and lean protein intake while decreasing sugar and sodium.

Stay Active

Physical activity provides many benefits, including increased blood circulation, weight management, increased production of natural painkillers, and improved bodily functions. Take time to be active each day, even if it’s just walking around your neighborhood.

Don’t Ignore Your Mental Health

Living with a chronic condition doesn’t just impact your body – it can impact your mental health, as well. Unfortunately, your mental health can have a direct impact on your physical health. Therefore, it’s important to take care of both.

Sleep Well

Sleep restores the body and mind. When you’re not getting enough quality sleep, it can worsen your symptoms and the emotions tied to them. Additionally, it can be difficult to take care of yourself when you’re tired.

Learn more about living well with chronic conditions by scheduling an appointment with one of our primary care specialists, Dr. Ruibal, Dr. Boccardo, or Dr. Scaglia, at Lawndale Medical Clinic of East End, Houston & Pasadena, TX at (713) 924-4907.