Sleep Hygiene for Children: Tips for Establishing Healthy Sleep Habits

Getting enough rest every night is important for proper growth and development in children. Bedtime can sometimes be challenging, though, especially when kids have trouble falling asleep. The experienced providers at Lawndale Medical Clinic, serving East End, Houston, and Pasadena, TX, offer pediatric care that includes sleep hygiene guidance for establishing healthy sleep habits for your children. 

Importance of Proper Sleep for Children 

Sleep improves children’s health and wellness in multiple ways. Not getting enough sleep can adversely affect health, growth, development, and school performance. Some of the main reasons why proper sleep is important for kids include:

  • Growth — Sleep contributes to the production of the growth hormone. Inadequate sleep on a regular basis can lead to being shorter than peers and going through puberty later.
  • Brain development — Neural connections in the brain are strengthened during sleep. These connections help kids with information retention, which can enhance academic performance. 
  • Mood and behavior — Mood swings and behavioral issues are more likely when children do not get enough sleep. Proper sleep contributes to a stable mood and appropriate behavior. 
  • Health — The body repairs itself during sleep, which helps the immune system stay strong. Kids who consistently do not get enough sleep can be more prone to illness, injuries, and other health issues, such as type 2 diabetes. 
  • Weight — Children who do not get enough sleep on a regular basis are more likely to be overweight or obese. 

Tips and Strategies for Helping Kids Sleep Better

One of the best things you can do to ensure your kids sleep better is to help them establish healthy sleep habits, such as going to bed at the same time every night. The pediatric care team at our office serving East End, Houston, and Pasadena, TX, guides how to instill healthy sleep habits at home. Some tips and strategies for helping kids sleep better and get enough rest every night include:

  • Avoid giving kids foods or beverages with caffeine in the late afternoon or evening.
  • Set a consistent bedtime and wake children up at the same time every day.
  • Creating a bedtime routine, which can include putting on pajamas and brushing teeth
  • Avoid letting kids play with toys or games in their beds during the day so they only associate the bed with sleeping.
  • Avoid engaging in overly stimulating activities, including watching television, right before bedtime, and stick to activities that are calm, quiet, and relaxing.
  • Keep all electronic devices out of the bedroom, including tablets, computers, video game consoles, and mobile phones.
  • Help children feel comfortable and cozy by letting them sleep with a favorite stuffed animal or soft blanket they can cuddle.
  • Ensure kids get at least one hour of exercise every day as physical activity has been shown to help people fall asleep faster and stay asleep.

Establishing healthy sleep habits will help your children get the rest they need every night. To learn more about sleep hygiene for kids, schedule an appointment with one of our pediatric care providers by calling Lawndale Medical Clinic, serving East End, Houston, and Pasadena, TX, at (713) 924-4907.