Managing Allergies and Immunizations

Do you suffer from allergies and are concerned about immunizations because of them? The experienced providers at Lawndale Medical Clinic serving East End, Houston, and Pasadena, TX are here to ensure you safely get the vaccinations you need.

Allergies and Immunizations

Immunizations are a vital part of keeping you healthy and protected from various illnesses and diseases. Unfortunately, sometimes being vaccinated can trigger allergic reactions. In the guide below, Dr. Ruibal, Dr. Boccardo, and Dr. Scaglia at Lawndale Medical Clinic serving East End, Houston, and Pasadena, TX share signs that you may have an allergic response to a vaccine, how to manage the reaction, and how your doctor can help prevent such reactions.

Signs of a Potential Allergic Reaction

When you receive a vaccination, you will experience several symptoms, such as a slight fever. This is a sign that the vaccination has triggered the immune system and everything is working properly.

You might also notice swelling and redness at the vaccination site, joint or muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and stomach troubles. These symptoms can typically be treated with a cold pack at the injection site, rest, hydration, and over-the-counter pain reliever.

However, some signs aren’t quite so normal and usually indicate an allergic response. These include the following.

  • Hives or other itchy rash
  • Swelling, usually at the lips, eye, or even the extremities
  • High fever of more than 104 degrees
  • The fever lasts for three days, regardless of the temperature
  • The fever leaves but returns a day or more later
  • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, especially when combined with other symptoms
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Changes in breathing, especially wheezing or shortness of breath
  • Dizziness or disorientation

If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to seek care. While you should call your doctor for mild symptoms, it’s wise to seek emergency care for breathing difficulties, dizziness, disorientation, rapid heart rate, and severe gastrointestinal distress.

Preventing Allergic Reactions With Immunizations

It’s not always possible to know how the body will respond to a vaccination. However, receiving vaccinations at your regular doctor’s office can reduce the dangers. Your primary care physician will have a record of any known allergens. If a vaccination contains one of those allergens, they can respond accordingly. If you choose to receive your vaccines from another party, be sure to provide accurate information for the best results.

The team at Lawndale Medical Clinic serving East End, Houston, and Pasadena, TX will work with you and your allergies to determine the best steps to take with immunizations and other healthcare needs. Call (713) 924-4907 to schedule an appointment today.