The Importance of Regular Health Check-Ups: What Every Patient Should Know

If you’re not feeling under the weather, visiting the doctor’s office may seem unnecessary. However, it’s crucial to undergo regular health checkups. This way, doctors can keep an eye on you and may spot an issue that has gone unnoticed. We’ll dig more deeply into why you and your family should undergo health checkups, but if you live in the greater Houston, TX, area, come see the medical providers at the Lawndale Medical Clinic.

It's Easy to Miss Emerging Health Problems

 You might think that if you’re suffering from a major medical issue, you’ll notice. However, many healthcare problems are difficult to spot at first. You might not notice skin cancer, for example, thinking a trouble spot is simply a mole if you see it at all. You might also fail to notice a cancerous lump because it’s deep in your body and not producing pain. You may have high blood pressure long before you develop other symptoms. Many other things could crop up without you realizing it.

The good news is that doctors will often spot things patients miss. Of course, you should still keep an eye out for problems, as something might emerge months before your next checkup.

Air Your Concerns

 While doctors excel at their craft, they can miss things too. If something is causing concern, raise the issue with your doctor. Some things might be impossible for a doctor to spot during a regular checkup without you alerting them. For example, you might find yourself lacking energy day in and day out. This might be due to a sleep disorder or thyroid issue, among other things, that isn't immediately obvious during a physical exam.

Mention anything you’ve noticed in your day-to-day life that you think might be a sign of a medical issue. Looking to schedule health checkups in Houston, TX? Get in touch with the Lawndale Medical Clinic right away.

Prevention Beats Cure

You’ve almost certainly already heard the saying “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” This is almost always true. When and where possible, you want to prevent issues. Regular checkups can alert doctors to problems that haven’t caused much damage yet, such as gaining excessive weight. If you catch weight gain (and many other issues) early, it’s often much easier to reverse them or halt their progression.

Air Your Concerns

Looking for doctors who can perform health checkups in Houston, TX? Give 713 924 4907 a ring and schedule an appointment at the Lawndale Medical Clinic. Our team of medical providers looks forward to working with you.